2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Algorithms (CAIBDA 2021)
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AI and Knowledge Engineering Lab

The ASU-AIKE lab was founded in 2005 and belongs to the Computer Science department, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. The Lab is currently composed of 3 full Profs., 3 Assistant Prof., 15 Drs (PhD holders) 5 of them from Arabic countries, 10 PhD students and 5 MSc students. We are working in the following disciplines:

Intelligent Information Processing, Data Mining

Knowledge of Engineering and Expert Systems

Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Intelligent Education and Smart Learning.

Medical Informatics, Bio-informatics and e-Health

Computing Intelligence and Machine learning

Internet of Things(IoT), Technologies for HealthCare

Space Science and Cosmic Rays Big Data Analytics